Take a look in the mirror, see any gray? Yeah, me too. Think back to your first car, was the radio AM? Did it run on leaded gas? Did it have a distributor with points, and a carburetor? No airbag, either, right? If you answered yes to all of those questions then you’ll like what we’re doing here, we’re turning the analog clock back to a simpler time, a time when you could pop the hood and see the engine.
There are plenty of car sites on the internet catering to the younger crowd, giving you every detail of the latest cars from every company, lots of turbo four cylinders, every in dash digital function you can imagine and absolutely nothing for guys like you and me. Sure they write about the cars from the 50s and 60s every now and then, but the writers weren’t even born until decades later. If you remember seeing Grumpy Jenkins, Sox and Martin, Dick Landy, Dyno Don Nicholson, Don Garlits and all of the other big names at the time, reading the opinions of a twenty something about the muscle car era might leave you wanting something more. So let’s leave the new stuff to the new kids and we’ll turn off the main road.
We’re going to focus on the cars we grew up with, the cars we owned and raced and worked on. If a four barrel carb on an American V8 engine was what you knew, if you added miles to your car a quarter mile at a time, we might have something for you. I can appreciate the work that goes into those Fast and Furious tuner cars, but I never felt the desire to have one. Give me a muscle car with a big V8 and the American highway, that’s all. Simple pleasures.
Now, let’s see where this road goes.